Tuesday, September 02, 2008


So we made a decision to move, in less than a week we had all the kinks ironed out...now is the waiting..it sucks. I do not want to work anymore, because my head is somewhere TOTALLY and definately NOT HERE! I am tired..I am stressed out...and yesterday I thought we had SO much to do, but in fact, we are really ahead of schedule. That makes the waiting even more difficult. We could seriously move this weekend if we had the truck to move it. We have everything packed, and if its not packed, its because we are still using it. It wont take long to load and leave....get a couple boys over there and we are good to go....and yet we still have to wait....and being tired doesnt help!
less than two weeks...10 days actually...its unbelievable.
and i am tired!


Sarah said...

I think you need to update your Upcoming Events...

Cindy said...

Waiting does suck.

Anonymous said...

ok ok.......i know you will be busy and all......but when you come to town we must have a date and find a margaritas!