Saturday, August 29, 2015


How quickly we forget the grace of God and His mercies renewed for us.  How complacent we sit in out forgiveness, as if it was entitled for us rather than given in love with the utmost sacrifice.  We suppress our true emotions in fear of judgement from others. We think they will judge us and our foolishness and look with distain.  However, I think those around us crave to see genuine thanksgiving, genuine surrender, genuine submission and overall to see God move in and around us.  It illustrates how real He is.  The testimony of praising despite ourselves, our insecurities, our failures, our situation and circumstance could change lives and their perspective of a Living God.  If we can sit stagnant then how can they see Him?  Everyone is different.  Each personality is different. Some people are shy, some outgoing and vibrant and each experiences God differently at different times and different seasons of life.  I may cry (which I often do), I may drop to my knees, I may stand in quiet, I may (though unlikely) shout and raise my hands.  More often than not I am barefoot, cause am I not on Holy ground in His presence?  But lets think of how I would act at a baseball game, a football game, my childs events?  How would I cheer, shout jump or praise then?  But thats in a different context isn't it?  Its more 'acceptable' to act a fool in public at sporting event!  Or is it because we are less focused on the peanut gallery and could care less what people thought?  I am thankful to a Living God for all He does.  He has brought healing, peace, joy, protection, health, salvation, love, forgiveness, grace...the list goes on forever of all He does.  There is no reason not to praise Him.  I guess most of the time I am too bogged down with my own issues and focused on me and mine.  I do struggle with the concept of praising though.  Do I HAVE to raise my hands?  Will God not see me if I don't?  Do I have to sing? Do I have to dance or sway?  Can I not just stand still?  Can I not just stand and cry and weep with no words to say except the grunting sounds I can sometimes get out?  I guess God will have to work on this with me.

Much Love

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