Saturday, September 09, 2006

Coke Addicts

This is hilarious....well to me, but i thought i would share
So Nat is sitting on the couch, watching tv...he drinks coke, in the bottles. He opened it then put it on the floor next to him. Then I saw Sadie, walk right over to the coke bottle (which was full mind you) and dragged it into the middle of the floor and started chewing on it. Its not unusual for the girls to chew on empty water bottles and coke bottles, but she blantantly stole a full coke bottle from Nat. HAHHAHAHAAHHAAH
Then, he took it from her and put it next to him again, she climbed up on him, gave him a couple kisses, then STOLE IT AGAIN. Now we are a little to blame, cause we have taught them to chew on coke bottles, but usually empty ones!!!
Nat noticed earlier today that they (being Sadie and Etta, because most days they work as a tag team) dragged a full bottle outside (last one from a 6-pack with plastic thing still attached)...and one fourth of it was left.
So I have concluded that Etta and Sadie are both coke addicts.


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