Sunday, January 30, 2005

nothing special....

I am sick of trying to live up to some kind of expectation. I cant even live up to my own expectations. I have this idea in my head of a person that I am supposed to be. In real life I have a problem being open with myself. There are things that I want to do, things I want to accomplish and I feel like living up to one standard keeps me from fulfilling the other. I know, I am talking in circles, but it is intentional. How will I ever learn about anything if I never experience anything? How will I know? There are so many things that I want to do with my life. But at the same time I have no idea what I want. I was talking to my sister and her boyfriend about relationships. I don’t think I know anything about having a relationship. I don’t know anything about guys. They tell me that I have an issue that I am scared to get hurt. True. But at the same time I am SO uncomfortable with intimacy. Anything intimate! People that claim they know me well, I feel like I have to change who I am so that they are not as close as they think they are. I cant spend a lot of time with one person before I feel like I am utterly exposed. So I write in a blog, makes a lot of sense huh? I am someone that doesn’t want to be exposed or known intimately, yet here I am spilling heart and soul on a virtual canvas. Again, I am a walking contradiction. Never fails I guess. What do I want out of life? What do I want to really accomplish? I want to be with someone that wants me. I want to do something that I can brag about to my children. I want to travel. I want to be successful at something, doesn’t really matter what. I am waiting to wake up one morning and getting some sort of make-over in my spirit. I would wake up and be motivated to make my dreams come true. I get so discouraged by people that have become more successful than me. That have accomplished more than me. I have a struggle about how I really am. Am I one that could be happy being poor and blessed or would I still feel unsuccessful in life because I hadn’t accomplished something that I thought I wanted.
How do I break out from being so afraid of letting people truly know me. I am not talking about sexual intimacy ( though that has definitely something to do with it eventually) but just in general relationships; with guys and girls. How can I let my defenses down and allow myself to live a little and open up to people? I feel like I am always holding back. I feel like I will never truly let go and experience emotions because I am scared that they will be bad ones. Cant be truly loved because I know that with love comes pain, its inevitable. Anything to avoid pain. I cant receive love. I put myself in situations where I know that the emotions are futile. Relationships with boys are shallow. I cant imagine myself with anyone that was actually worthy, maybe that is a reflection of my own self-worth. Maybe I have lost hope that guys of worth are extinct. Or I have brought myself down so much that I just don’t feel like I deserve much of anything but settle for anyone. One day I will have woken up from this nightmare that is my inner thought life. I am leaving, so now I can live it up and then run fast away from all the madness I caused.

1 comment:

SarahBethWhite said...

You really are a walking contradiction. You say you don't want anyone to know you, yet by writing all this you are opening up one of the deepest parts of yourself for all to see.

I actually have much to say, but I am holding back...

You know I love you.