Monday, February 27, 2006

and i say..slacker

Nat reminded me that i havent written in over a month. Not that he really needs to know whats going on in my life. He is my life....
had a fantastic valentines day. first time i have ever had a boyfriend (more or less a fiancee). i got flowers and a card.
we decided to sell the house, making a more of an effort. we have an open house and are painting and getting it ready. we had one promising showing the other day,but who knows with those.
i love nat
wedding plans are going well. i am relocating to cincinnati to expedite the process. i am anxious to get there. i would like to leave this weekend, but Nat doesnt want me to yet. I have so much to do...its crazy. Planning a wedding (or rather a reception) is a PAIN!! i just want to get it done, and the sooner the better. i just need to relax i guess.
counseling is going well. i like it, it does bring up things to talk about. i am anxious for the next meeting on thursday.
thats it. i dont have much else i can think about to talk about. i am tired.

later loves


SarahBethWhite said...

Oh how I miss those blue ice cream days...

love you :)

abbi said...

talking. it's the best advice for marriage. don't get overwhelmed with planning the wedding stuff. it's the marriage stuff that matters most! i'll help ya, with whatever i can. you can ask anything of me big or little. i promise.

since you'll be in Cincy, would you want to come visit me in KY at some point?

SarahBethWhite said...

what the heck have you been doing?

call me.. or ill call you soon. I cant believe youve been in town for how many weeks now?... and I've seen you like 2 times?!