Monday, February 06, 2006


So we went to counseling tonight. I was expecting something totally different. We talked about how we met and our current situation. After the session, we set up a meeting for next week. He asked us if we have any more question for him and Nat asked him what his impression of us was and he said that we have a cool vibe about us and a real warmth. oh, that made my day!! its great for an outsider to see that. i was so proud. Nat was telling him how we met and how he "fell madly in love with me" and know he would spend the rest of his life with me. I was just sitting there in awe, wow, he really does love me deeply. I know he loves me, and i love him... yet it is so sweet and touching to hear him proclaim it without reservation to a complete stranger. Just thought i would share out counseling experience.


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