Tuesday, June 12, 2007

comfort (er) destroyed

There was a time when our bed was adorned with a ratty old comforter, with holes and so thin you could see through it. then while on a magical trip to Kohls (and 30% off coupon) i found it, the perfect comforter, mainly because of the reasonable price, yet besides that, it was beautiful, funky beautiful (pic at http://chrissialice.blogspot.com). I loved it, a pride came over me when i put it on the bed and it looked nice, and not like a homeless person's cardboard box.
Thanks to a couple mischevious girls, the comforter has met its demise, in less than a week, the comforter now shares the same fate as the former and now has a huge hole in it and until i am bold, brave or stupid enough, i will spend my hard earned money on another comforter, but until then, i guess my "nice things" phase will have to fade quickly.

Now some "un-dog-lovers" will bitch that maybe we should 1. get rid of the dogs (like my husband would allow that!) 2. lock the girls out the bedroom (did that, but door did not cooperate) 3. dont buy new things (yes, yes, cause i want to surround myself with objects that look like they have been rat-infested). But something WILL be done, whether that means that Nat's precious lil girls will very soon become outside dogs or well in my angered state, that seems like a only and damn good solution!

thats all, figured i would share!


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