1.When I was little, I used to hold my breath till I
was blue when i was mad. that went on until one day
my mom let me faint.
2. i used to push my sisters buttons growing up, get
her to the point she wanted to attack and ran and
locked myself in the bathroom (she only caught me
3. i have a degree in photography, and work in graphic
4. i have studied (yet am NOT fluent) 5 languages
(Russian, German, French, Spanish and Arabic).
5. I am fluent in English.
6. I used to watch Buffy, my excuse was that it was
bonding time with my sister, in reality, its a really
good show.
7. i moved in with my boyfriend within 10 days of
meeting him, and we live in Illinois, and i am ok with
8. I lived in Los Angeles for nearly 3 months thats
where i met my boyfriend.
9. I love thunderstorms and sitting on the porch when
it rains.
10. New England Patriots are my favorite team...and i
am not a bandwagonner (if thats a term)
11. I end sentences with prepositions to tick my
"bachelors in english" degree sister off.
12. I have "dated" less than 10 people, yes in my
life! (dated as in went on a date, and even some of
those are questionable)
13. I have only kissed 5, only two of which i dated.
14. I am considered the black sheep in my family,
though i am far from it.
15. I have smoked pot 4 times, all of which i got
16. I have been drunk 4 times, but i remember what i
17. I have had my tongue peirced 3 times, and peirced
my lip myself.
18. i learned most about sex and masturbation during
my 6th grade summer at northwoods park.
19. I love horses.
20. I consider my great aunt lucille my grandma.
21. I never really knew my real grandparents, by the
time i came around they were either old or dead.
22. I am the third of three girls...and we are the
best family on both sides!! =)
23. my sisters are my best friends.
24. I played volleyball in high school until senior
year, where i opted to be on the swom team (although i
had never swam before).
25. I am usually pretty good at whatever i do.
26. i dont like to read.
27. I have been to Israel.
28. I have been to Jordan.
29. I have been to Russia
30. I long to go to Italy.
31. I am in love with Nat Pflederer
32. I believe deeply in God, and think that many
times we miss out on His fullness.
33. I dont enjoy church, most of the time.
34. I failed my drivers test the first time
35. Passed it the second time (smaller car)
36. I had gotten 5 speeding tickets, pulled over for
not having front license plate, for having someone
hang out my sunroof. Been in 1 accident with another
car, and another by backing into a parked car (the
latter of which had more damage).
37. i consider myself a good driver.
38. I am really laid back.
39. I dont like to make decisions, cause i dont like
conflict and dont mind doing anything, so it really
doesnt matter to me.
40. my favorite type of music is jazz (this week)
though i listen to anything from hip hop to blues.
41. I am scared to death of failing, so much so i
dont try.
42. Art school was one of the best things to happen
to me.
43. I have never met a celebrity, and honestly dont
care to.
44. I am a scorpio, and thats supposed to mean
45. My favorite movie is BraveHeart
46. I smoke cigerettes (camel turkish silver), which
is probably why i am considered a rebel.
47. I despise family functions (other than immediate
48. The only books I own are "how to" books
49. i love the smell of vanilla.
50. I threw up on Brian Durham (biggest crush) in
high school.
51. Incapable of giving blood ( i have tried several
52. I have driven cross country twice (to LA and
53. I have incredible friendships with people. Their love and devotion is deep and fatithful.
54. I never went to Prom.
55. I was a Homecoming Nominee for "Solid ROC" the only christian club at school, and the only female senior. It was a horrible expereince.
56. The guy nominee with me is now openly gay.
57. I am a picky eater.
58. Favorite thing in the whole world is blue ice cream from kings island.
59. I love random road trips.
60. I played Viola in 5th grade and clarinet in middle school.
61. i have 2 tattoos, and have 5 more in mind
62. I have more of a heart for christians than non christians
63. I want to be a stay at home mom.
64. i am not afraid of death, or much of anything for that matter.
65. I highly avoid conflict.
66. I shut down when people talk down to me or in a condescending voice.
67. yelling is for football games, not conversations.
68. i hate to be in the presence of people that "bicker" whether play or not.
69. I used to write poetry.
70. Painting is the most relaxing art form
71. I dont cry but maybe twice a year
72. i used to have a VERY short temper
73. I cannot and will not follow someone i dont respect.
74. I respect Nat.
75. I have issues with male authority figures in the church.
76. My pastor once told me that I didnt need to get saved, again (apparently he believed more than i did that the prior was sincere)
77. I feel that many christians need a good spanking.
78. my first car was a 85 mercury topaz, when we gave it away, the driver door didnt open, the headlights were duck-taped on, there was no reverse (so you better have parked on a hill facing down).
79. I like living in the country more than the city.
80. I want to have a garden and grow my own veggies.
81. I am a simple minded person, i dont need much to be happy.
82. My favorite band of all time is "the doors"
83. I have a pair of shoes that i have had for nearly 5 years (or longer) that i have only worn 3 times.
84. I am somewhat resentful towards my mother, but have come a long way to get over it. She is human too.
85. My dad never came to any of my sporting events
86. Mom barely did either.
87. Its ok though, I was a bench warmer. Not for my lack of skills, but for my attitude.
88. I still remember the best play i ever did, when and where.
89. Crushes on boys was the only thing that got me up in the morning to go to high school.
90. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.
91. I have learned that i really like to cook, and i am good at it
92. I currently dont have a car. I like it.
93. I love developing my our photos in a darkroom
94. I am very critical of myself.
95. I take pride in being a trusted and non-judgmental friend
96. No one knows everything about me, and only one has come close
97. I have a hard time recieving charity
98. I always feel as though I have to work or eventually pay back peoples generosity towards me.
99. I regret kissing anyone other than Nat
100. I think that holding hands is very intimate
101. Favorite parts of my body: eyes, smile, legs and neck...everything else could use some work
102. My favorite flower is a red gerbera daisy
103. I am highly allergic to rabbits, and mildly to cats
104. I want to live in a different country
105. I would like my children to be multi lingual and cultured
106. I am quite the procrastinator
107. I am somewhat anal, i guess you could say passively anal
108. i love crab and chicken divan.
109. I scared my mom will die before i can take full advantage of her wisdom.
110. I think my family is perfect.
111. I love natural cheetos, and my greatest fear is that one day they will stop producing them. =)
112. if i think of more, i will continue, but i cant procrastinate working any longer.