Thursday, October 06, 2005

good day (for me)

i am definately someone that thrives on affirmation. i need to be told, reminded, convinced and i have to have it re-inerated like a thousands times. when i started working with levi, i was already doubtful of my ability...i mean i have never worked in a graphic design anything, my degree is in photography, and i dont even feel adequate in that. i was also coming in under the "Master" joshy (pronounced JOE-SHE). i have to admit he is amazing. and i am determined to surpass him, one day at a time. so yesterday he gave me the complexity of making an icon from a picture of a is WAY more than just tracing. i have about 40 different layers of tiny shapes to get that effect, but i guess thats the best way to go about it (cause they is how Joshy does it). so today he left for school as usual and i was given homework (like always, didnt think this was a vacation did you?). and i made some logos, and they are good...levi even said so. called me the "logo gangster" which is good. i was so proud of myself, i got the affirmation that i so desperately needed to reaffirm that i am talented and able and that i will be successful. i am not scared anymore to take on another task, i am more so eager, to learn more and more, and eventually be one of the best. i am even aweing myself. i sit and look what i did, and say outloud "damn i am good". haha

1 comment:

SarahBethWhite said...

"i am definately someone that thrives on affirmation. i need to be told, reminded, convinced and i have to have it re-inerated like a thousands times."

So I've been reading Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and its such a great book. Its really spoken to me... especially about capabilities.
Jesus is the ultimate rabbi and we are his disciples. He CHOSE us to be his disciples. Back in His day rabbi's only chose followers who they knew would be able to be just like them, and capable of doing anything that they themselves could accomplish. SO becuase Jesus has chosen us to be his followers that means that he believes that we are capable of doing amazing things. When we get down or dont have enough faith in ourselves it irritates Him because he knows the greatness we are capable of. He wouldnt have chosen us if he doubted. So always remember.. JESUS BELIEVES IN YOU. And that should be enough to help us all follow our dreams.

I love you