Tuesday, September 22, 2009

its not funny!!!

As many of you know our girls are now here in Australia. They have adjusted well and are pretty much unchanged but think maybe they switched personalities. Etta has lost a little of her edge and isn't as playful and Sadie I think took all Etta's playfulness and is super hyper, a little unusual. Well last night the girls took on their alternate personalities and Etta was hiding behind me scared of Nat trying to play with them and get them to run around. Sadie was attacking Etta trying to get her to play along. Nat and I were scratching our heads saying " What is wrong with them? They arent the same dogs"
Later in the evening I was getting ready for bed. Many may know that I have grown accustomed to wearing earplugs at night because Nat snores and all of a sudden I became a light sleeper. I stocked up on these earplugs, knowing I would be here for at least two years. At Walmart they have 50 pair tubs...now why would I need so many when I only have 2 ears? Well little miss Sadie REALLY likes them. I am not sure what it is about them, but she likes to eat them..so i brought enough for those random times when Sadie finds one. I put them in the drawer next to my bed. You may also know that Sadie LOVES to get under the bed. If she is playing or in trouble or just wants to get away from Etta, she hides under the bed. So last night we were playing and she goes under the bed. I lay on the floor trying to convince her to come out and play...then I see it...the tub of earplugs.
Sadie the sneaky little bugger had opened the drawer, taken out the tub and ATE THEM (well most of them) there were about 10 left...so she ate 90 of them...she will be pooping purple (or rather brown) earplugs for a year!!! Its NOT funny!!! LOL
There were under things under the bed as well. Its like her secret hiding place for things she got into, and here I thought she was just timid and liked to hide under the bed...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha. you said "bugger"