Monday, December 12, 2005

love more and more

everyday i love my babies more and more. etta is getting so big, and their personalities are so different. i cant imagine what it would be like to have children, but i am excited. i mean seriously, the pups are handful enough, and i dont have to watch them every hour of the day, though i probably should. I am not so sure i am totally ready for kids, but i must say, that each day i get more and more excited about it. one day....
i will try to make these short and sweet.
went to church on saturday with Nat to Northwoods. we met his mom and her husband there. i really liked it. it reminds me a lot of the vineyard. one of the only things i really want in a church (and because most lack it) is a prayer ministry. Not only a prayer chain, but a safe place to grow spiritually. I believe that prayer is the most powerful aspect of Christianity that is often overlooked. I believe to really tap into the power of God and live a life honoring Him, prayer is the key. i need some work in that area so my focus right now is the surround myself with like-minded and more expereinced people that can guide me. the church is 45 min-1 hour away, which is pretty far. like driving to lexington or something. i may not go as often to that church, but i definately like it.
march of penguins
cute movie, but it is sad to see so many die to survive.
i rarely ever go onto myspace. yet today i went on and i had a new message. i looked at the name and thought to myself..."i only know one person with that name" i went to his page to see if my suspensions were right and i was. Keith West. I have always wondered to myself what ever became of him. well he seems really happy. he is married with 3 children, in the military stationed in Japan and due home in february. I thought it was great to hear from him. For those that dont know, Keith was my first boyfriend in high school, one of Carols favorite (i can imagine her squeal as she reads this). anyway, thought it was interesting and somewhat off the wall that he sent me a message but i am glad. Its good to know he is doing well.
I think that is it. Life is great!!!
Love you all

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I was gonna contact you because he contacted me because he saw Carol in one of my pics. I haven't had the chance to respond to him yet but I was like "Keith"? Keith West! WOAH.