Monday, August 15, 2005

Sisters: Part Three

Emma emma is one of those people (again that i stole from carol) that you can sit and talk to for hours, or you can sit and stare at each other and its okay. she sees life from a different perspective than most all my other friends, which is a relief. She is someone you can tell secrets to and not worry about whether she will judge you on a spiritual level. she is loyal to people even when they walk all over her, which shows her endurance, yet i think she is getting to a point in her life where she realizes what TRUE friends are and what they offer. she is smitten by an incredible guy, and honestly he is the lucky one!! she is real about who she is, what she struggles with and what her desires are, and they are not necessarily based on what she thinks GOD wants her to do. She is fun to be around and i really miss our tuesday night dates.
Jen Edwards oh girl you have been around!! jen is another one of those friends in which our time in the same city has been limited, but it doesnt matter. i know that i can call on her whenever i need to. she gives great advice and truly cares about you and your dreams. i dont think college would have been the same without the ransom notes and water fights, or her fridge with dijon mustard, white american and turkey!! she is beautiful and talented and daring and graceful. A classic beauty and a gentle spirit. she too is non-judgmental and allows me to be me with no exceptions.
Danielle oh what do we say about our smitten lover? how LUCKy is the man that gets to spend his life with such a loving and compassionate person?!?!? The best thing i could say about Danielle is that she loves, like no one else, and i seriously think that she has allowed for incredible healing since i first met her. She loves art, which is definaltey part of my heart and she can see your true desires without you saying a word. She listens like no one else. i can be sitting at dinner with her, mention that i want to go to Italy, and for a graduation gift months later i recieved a map of Italy and an Italian travel/phrase book...thats just what she does. she pays attention to the smallest details and makes them extra-ordinary. She cares deeply about using every oppurtunity to make you feel special and loved. She is an encouragement to me.
Sarah C Yes this is lover (hahahha =)) i seriously have SO much fun with her! People say she is anal...what?!?! With me she has always been laid back and cool. She is determined, TOO intelligent and always has something bigger and better up her sleeve. She has definately been there when i needed her most, never fails to answer the phone or at least call back. Still to this day we have no idea when, where and how we met...guess cause we were joined from another life! I have seen her figure out her spirituality on her own terms, and it is amazing to watch. She is so humble (though she has a streak in her)...and she is constantly seeking (which is a great quality to have, because when you think you have it all figured out, you are lying to yourself). I have never known her to be one to care what anyone else thought, shes just Sarah, and if she pretended to be anyone else, i wouldnt love her! She offers sound and wise advice, and has the strength of will to accomplish anything she puts her mind to.

There are many more people that i would put her, like Christian from Russia, Sarah Nunery from college, Mandi from Hopkinsville.....but i dont think that they even read this thing...but know that they all play a very special role in my life, but i just dont talk to them as much as i should/could.

now for the best of the best!! The Truest and best of them all. The 2 people i know would be with me from hell to high water and have proven their undying loyalty to me over years and years. i have had more fights and arguments with the two below than all the rest combined, but I also have had the most fun (maybe ten fold) than anyone else as well. I seriously think that there would be a void in my life if either one of them didnt exist. You cant really even put into words what having incredible sisters like i have really means. GOD truly knew what He was doing when He designed our family. Giving us the most complete and nurturing system for our individualities. Below is just an Exerpt, i definaltey could write novels on everything my sisters mean to me.
Cheryl is awesome, she is so generous and compassionate and beautiful beyond skin deep, yet she limits herself based on her view of herself based on the fickle views of society. i just wish that she could look in the mirror and really see...and not just see but KNOW who she is. She would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. she sacrifices so much of herself for the benefit of others, and simply sits back and basks in the happiness of those she helps. she is a loyal friend, i have not known her to ever turn her back on a friend, and even continues to pursue friendships with people that may not really care about her, or value her as much as those closest to her. she puts on a good show at being the quiet reserved one, but dont let that fool you. she can cut up and be sarcastic with the best of them. She is fun to be with, playful and laid back. she is definately a security in my life. to know that whatever life throws at me, and whereever she is, she will open up her heart and door to me. If she could find a profession that allowed her to truly fulfill her hearts desires, i think she would forever live in mexico in a garbage dump, or be a stay at home mother. Her compassion and love for people of all races, ages and religion is unsurpassed. She has this determined bone in her, a stubborn one just like her dad, that wont allow her to just quit, although considered, she will always bounce back with 100 times more vigor and determination.
Carol is incredible as well. she awes me with this unfailing passion for God, and how it penetrates her entire life. i have seen her change into this graceful and determined individual, yet she is patient, compassionate and non-judgemental (how did we all end up like that?). Her heart swells with every oppurtunity to bust the myths of what people think GOD is and gentle puzzles them into realizing truth. She is an inspiration to anyone that meets her. Giving perfect strangers small glimpses of a true disciple, and the truth in that. the truth that it doesnt have to rule your life, or rather, its simple. not complex or a special formula, its just simply allowing GOD to reveal Himself to you. Thats what i love about Carol, is that she simply is who GOD designed her to be, no makeup, nothing false, and not trying to make it something its not, but a sincere ability to look into lives of other people and help you see that you are human, and giving an abundance of grace to regards to that. she doesnt try to change you, she just reaches out and allows GOD to use her to speak for Him. Her words will be the means of millions of changed lives. They will free captives of thought and performance, and encourage people to allow GOD to love on them, and the truth in that, is that allowing people to be loved, opens them up to allowing GOD to do that changing. She also is determined. and diligent. who in their right mind gets up at 5am to do homework?!?!?! She devoted her life, love and blood to truth. She is wise, and can see that things that most all of us are blinded to. She shares her revelations, with such energy that you cant help but want to see from her perspective.

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