Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sisters: Part Two

Cindy She has been around for a long time. Although i have not held many long talks with her, i know that i could. She has developed this unbridled desire for God. She too is loyal. One that would do anything for you. She did not start out as my friend, but over time, she has become one. She is giving and loving. She is quiet about what she truly struggles with, and in that she is strong and independent. I have watched the transformation from new bethel to underground. She has always been one to soak up God. what i love about her is her love for music. she sees music as the ultimate avenue to reaching people for GOD. she wants to see young people come into a genuine relationship with God, because in that realness, lies endurance. She has been through so much, and i think over the years she has really allowed GOD to heal her hurts. She has learned to lean on Him for all her needs, and the reality of who He is and what HE is capable of has transformed her life from one of a follower to a great leader. She desires for being to see all the greatness of GOD, and restore their hope in what HIS LOVE can accomplish.
Kadie My kindred spirit...I consider that of the greatest honors. she is simply amazing. She is strong and determined not to allow life to destroy her. Oh i could sit for hours on end talking to her about anything. she can see into the soul and pull out your desires and love you despite yourself. she is supportive and is the free-est person i have ever met. Her concept of life is not that of fame, honor or wealth, but of simple obedience and bringing as many people into their true selves as GOD would allow her. She has a passion for art and using the talents and abilities God gave her to glorify Him, and trusting Him solely for her overall well-being. That is a trust that i lack, and if i could, i would support any endeavor she pursues because i know that she does not pursue them for personal gain, but for the glory of GOD. she is my dearest and lovely kadie, always pursuing after the joy of living a life sold out to GOD. she is one that really keeps me accountable, asking all the right questions and seeing life through the rose-colored lens of Gods love and will. she is so brave, and i respect her so much. she relys on GOD for so much, and most of the time i stand in awe at what she goes through to be all HE wants her to be, such strength in dealing with issues.
Nessa From the first moment i met her, i think i knew there was no getting rid of her, and i was not going to be one that complained. Nessa was seriously my life's grace in LA. i will forever love her for that. I think that we are kin from another life. somehow GOD knew years ago that we would step into each others paths and prepared it so that it was perfect timing. She has so much desire to draw close to GOD, and I seriously pray that GOD will bring strength and passion into her life to draw close on her own terms. She is kind-hearted and selfless. She has got a fire in her though, a strength that i know is there, but have yet to see. She is a free-spirit, someone that wants to experience every crevice of life, and to make it worth while. I know i will appreciate her more and more as time goes by.
To be continued.....

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