Monday, June 27, 2005

all about a boy...

ok...heres the story about the boi.
first weekend i was here i went to a softball game with tiffany, and you know me, i am always scoping out my environment. since i have been here i have totally been into "brothers" not that i always havent been, but more so. tiffany told everyone and now they are all trying to find a black guy that they know to hook me up (cause some people are always trying to be matchmakers). its funny. anyway. there was a really cute black guy there, little eye candy. they are far and few between, so its nice to have something worthy to look i have been going to her games. i didnt go last week cause nessa and i went hiking and this weekend we went to target. so tiffany texted me and told me to come to her game because there was a "super hot brother" there. so i went. no i didnt just diss nessa for was sorta how it happened. by the time i got there the game was over, but they were going out to lunch, so i tagged along. mmm mm. he sat across from me at the table and he was really funny. sarcastic. hard to sometimes tell whether or not he is telling the truth or pulling your leg...which i think is great. he is super witty and hot, did i mention he was cute? we were all sitting there and everyone introduced themselves to me and he didnt, so his friend was like "what? you are not goin to introduce yourself" and he said "oh, we go way back." YES! i thought, hes funny. and then i replied "yeah, i must have been really wasted that night." and he replied, "yeah, when i woke you up the next morning you were still drunk." and i was like, "i always miss out on all the fun..." i love it!!! someone that can play back! the fun part was the whole time at lunch we were making fun of people, but we were the only ones that knew it...i didnt say much, but kept looking at him and giving him looks, and he understood and responded with another a conversation without talking. i was sitting right next to tiff and i dont even think she noticed...hahah!
so tiff and i went to smoke or something and came back and he was sitting in my chair so i sat on him, then he scooted over and put his head on my shoulder (awwww)...poor lil guy was tuckered out. (fyi, he doesnt play on the team, he just hackles the other team members). he needs a hackling i not perfect for the job??? that is about it actually. there isnt a game next week, and tiffany is out of town for two weeks after i may or may not ever see him again...but it sure was fun to have a little crush for a while. well see...believe me i will keep you updated! but i know he wants me...haha =) he realizes how truly cool i am!! ok well i can dream cant i!??!?!

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