Thursday, June 23, 2005


today i have an interview at warner brothers. please pray for me.. i am SO nervous. its for a PA position and it is steady work. i hope i get it, i would be working on the set of gilmore fun fun!!! i know if its supposed to be i will get a job, so i am not too stressed...but still. id like to work there, and basically have a job yaknow!!


Anonymous said...

woo hoo....go chrissi go.

i'll be praying for ya

abbi said...

hey, i'm praying, but i'm sure you've had your interview by now. it's 9:23 your time. but, i'll pray you get the job. love ya girl and thanks for the ideas. i do have animal prints in the LR, but the ducks got trashed in the fire. I think a tiki feel in the kitchen would go with the blue i like. maybe i can transfer some from the LR to the kitchen whenever we buy a house. i'm kinda waiting, since we plan on moving shortly. anyways, i'm not going patriotically crazy or anything. just mostly the colors and a few stars or stripes here or there. or plaid or denim. anywho, i do hope you get the job. let us know when you know anything. how fun to work for WB! i'm glad you respond as well to my blog. i always get excited when i see the comments' # go up. =) chat soon. have a good day!