this morning i got a call from trina and patrick. the people i work for and we are trying to figure out a schedule for me, only 15 hours a week....until the business picks up. i am going to go in today for a couple hours to organize some of the things i am going to change. my way or the highway i guess. tomorrow i am going to go to another group interview at mimi's cafe...i need the extra cash and other restaurants are too stuffy. i am not about hard work or putting myself out too much in a restaurant job. i just need to pay my bills. i guess i have not really come to the conclusion that i am going to live here, i am just trying to pay my bills, expereince the other side of life...accomplish some goals and come home. i dont want to raise children here. i dont want to caught up in having a certain car, living in a certain area, going to certain bars and being associated with certain people to be valued. i dunno though. right now i am frustrated because i am not making as much money as i did in cincinnati and i have to pay my bills. there are always ways to make money here, i am just not that determinned i guess.
what did i do this weekend since the last time i posted? worked on friday till like 6, was supposed to work till 4 but trina came home and we went through a bunch of stuff with the company. then went out with vanesssa on friday night. we went to mimi's cafe to eat with tiffany, then tiff went back to work and we went back to the apartment (cause we are both broke) and just sat around and chatted. saturday night i went to a club called "circus" to watch a DJ play with trina, snow, vanessa and john. he was good, i could've been into it, but wasnt in the mood...definately felt the need for a becky. then went back to vanessas and planned a layout session by the pool on sunday. so yesterday it was good for laying out. so we went grocery shopping, out to eat at kojis (everyones favorite place) and had shabu shabu. it means swish swish in japanese and basically you get a pot of hot water and raw meat and put it in the hot water to cook and there are sauces and rice, veggies and noodles..sorta fun, but i have had shabu 3 times this week, i need a break...anyway so then we went to target, then back to her place, blockbuster, and i came back to apartment and tiff and i chilled out and watched "daddy day care" trendy i know!
now i am up before anyone, as usual. vanessa is really cool. very easy to talk to, very midwestern---shes originally from chicago. when they talk about california being so different from midwest...i dont really see it. sometimes the people are dressed a little differently, but overall...there are still clubs, DJs, bars (with the same yet more expensive liquor), stores, restaurants. the weather is definately a plus. i mean, summer/spring year could that not be nice? i will accomplish the things i need to accomplish here, but my friends and family back home are way too important to me. though i know that they too will go off and live elsewhere, they will experience that side of life. but the majority will stay. i urge people the get away from cincinnati to see other places and get it out of their system so that they can come back to cincinnati and realize what home feels like.
thats how i feel today granted...ya know how i change all the time. people around me keep telling me to give it time, at least a year...i dunno though. we will see how it goes. i am not going to do anything drastic...i will accomplish my goals here before i consider going back. today is the third week. cant believe its only been that long....geez!! feels like months!!
love you all!!!
"will accomplish the things i need to accomplish here, but my friends and family back home are way too important to me."
Sounds like you've got one lesson down.
Got anymore up your sleeve?
I hope you know I totally support you in being there, but I've really been missing you like crazy this week- I dont have many other spontaneous friends.. so it's good to hear that you're probably not there for good. You better stay till at least August though- I've never been to Vegas and you're not gonna cheat me out of this trip!
so, you move across the country and i feel closer to you. it's funny how things work. i know that wherever we are in life, we'll only be a call away, though. i love you chrissi bond and i know you'll be fine. i'll be praying for the financial things to smooth out. darn that money thing!
i like the way californians talk. tiffanie, my pregnant buddy who was in c-ville for that period, always said new, fun things. i've heard almost all the "country" things here, so it's nice for her newness. she's back in sanfran now. don't everybody up and move to cali on me --k? just know you're missed. i'm glad i can see your pictures, though. they always make me feel peaceful.
random news from home (everything revolves around judah of course):
1) we took judah to her first day of doggy training today - hated it. i felt condemned about everything we are doing with her because it isnt the "trainer's way" - probably wont go back.
2) cheryl and i have new games we play with judah - she wont go fetch, so we play keep-away with her instead - we toss/bounce the tennis ball to each other or against a wall and judah tries to catch it and then runs off with it so we'll chase her. she is so cute...whether she listens/obeys or not.
3) cheryl still swears that judah is a houdini dog because the last two times she put her in her cage, she has gotten out by herself. but i did some investigating and it isnt the dog, but cheryl. she doesnt fully latch the bottom latch, so judah squeezes out - either that or she has learned to open the bottom latch with her teeth. who knows :)
ps - this is why i do not have a blog...nothing to talk about except my dog...and my book of course, but if i talked about it, then no one would read it!!!
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